First off you've often heard it said that if you buy a kid a big enough toy, the box will be played with more often. To prove this the sponsors put out a huge field of knocked down boxes and a supply of packing tape.
the result was a huge collection of houses, forts, and denizens
of the place. Some regular industrial folks were there including Epilog Laser and Colorado Water Jet. Need something cut out? One of these folks can probably do it.
Semi-industrial is the Concoctory
3D printers, Arduinos and related stuff.
Now if your doggie needs a knee brace as badly as you do:
Here you go. Or if you don't need one yet and were looking for a fun way to get there there's this
A recumbent racing bike, 500 Honda powered. There's no steering head as such, but the assorted links and ball joints fill in. Lots of artists of various stripes, a complete set of demo boards showing how the old classic pinball machines worked and of course the Denver Mad Scientists Club featuring a demo of fighting robots, various touchy-feely electrical toys, (the Van de Graff is always popular), a 3D scanner which produced a nice 3D printed bust of yours truly, and the kids favorite, the Pedal Air gun:
What kid wouldn't want one of these in the back yard? For you musically inclined, there's the PVC drum/organ:
And more other stuff that I probably missed while working the exhibit. It was great. You should have been there.
Allen's write-up with pictures at
For pictures of Billll with 3-D printed Billll, see
If we had a set of little columns, we could put the mini-busts (..965 picture) on them and rival a collection of Greek philosophers, no?
"a collection of Greek philosophers"
There's no r in "geek".
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