Saturday, September 21, 2013

Slow Joke

Some jokes take a long time to tell. This is usually on purpose to keep the listener on edge in antici

pation of the punch line.

So here's the setup: Venezuela has recently experienced a shortage of toilet paper. The government solution is to nationalize the T.P. plant. It has been remarked that if the government were put in charge of the Sahara desert, in 6 months there would be a shortage of sand. This remark referred to the U.S. government so the 6 months figure relies mostly on the huge inertia inherent to the U.S. government.

Anyone care to guess the time lag before the complete disappearance of T.P. in Venezuela?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They obviously don't know about sharing toilet paper. You know its REAL love when you and the other share the tp