Thursday, September 26, 2013

Colorado Gun Law - Still Not Listening

The Denver Pest is reporting that in the wake of 2 senators losing their seats over the gun laws passed early this year, the state Democrats still see no reason to listen to their constituents or change their votes on any of the measures.

House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, a Denver Democrat, said if measures looking to repeal the gun laws are presented, they will be treated like any other bill.
It will get read on the floor and sent to the Veterans Affairs committee to die.

"Wholesale repeals of these gun safety laws have little chance of passing," Ferrandino said. "If there's questions about tweaks to the laws, then they should be discussed and hashed out."
Farrandino would probably consider reducing the mag limit from 15 to 10, but not the other direction.

Underscoring their challenges, Republicans attempted in the past session to expand gun rights through measures that included allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons. The efforts died in committee.
"I don't see any more floor debate needed on the gun laws we passed," said Sen. Pat Steadman, D-Denver, when asked if Democrats would send repeal legislation to so-called "kill committees" where they would be stopped from making it to a floor debate.
They won and we lost so no further debate is needed. Morse and Giron are considered to be merely collateral damage, and as long as the Dems hold the trifecta of House, Senate, and Governor,  the peasants can eat cake.

We need to begin thinking right now of the 2014 elections as recall 2 with a broader scope. The election of Mark Baisley as GOP vice chair is a good start.

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