Or if you have some suspicions that the program isn't going quite as well as Joe Biden says it is, this site has a map on which you can click a state, and find out how well it's doing.
According to this, Colorado has received $583,269,816.00, and created 4710.05 jobs. OK, what's .05 of a job? I believe it's what I got this year, dividing days worked by days off.
At $123,835/job, there should be some nice paychecks going out to somebody. Keep in mind this is recipient reported money. If you switch to agency reporting, the money is $3,864,381,626.00 with no jobs being admitted to. A search of the recipients of the money reveals almost 100% government agencies, which explains why, when all the taxpayers are getting laid off, you don't hear about anyone in government losing a job.
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