Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Human Evolution

It's a long ways from Amphioxus, it's said, but it appears that on the trip, we didn't actually shed all the old baggage. Lower life forms can regenerate lost tissue, organs, limbs, etc, but we mammals are pretty much out of luck on that count. Until now.

It seems the genes for regeneration are still there, just suppressed by another one.

Just think, suppress one gene, and grow a whole new brain. I'm really looking forward to that one. Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "I changed my mind".


jed said...

... and grow a whole new brain.

But is it too late for the Democratic Party?

Billll said...

You can't regrow what you never had.

Billll said...

Upon further consideration, I take it all back. I have observed that practically no one grows a complete brain before the age of 25 anyway, and a significant number never complete the process at all.

This then, would be an example of arrested development, which the technique might overcome by prodding the development to completion.

Boggles the mind that we'd be this close to a cure for teenagers.