Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Notwithstanding the earlier recipe for turkey, I want to say there's probably nothing better than Mesquite-smoked, bacon wrapped, Jimson-weed stuffed haunch of organically grown, free-range prairie dog, served with a bottle of good Tequila. The feast that keeps on giving.


Anonymous said...

Only improvement I can think of would be to substitute jackelope for prairie dog.

Other than that, perfect!

Anonymous said...


After the jimson weed and tequila, you're more likely to find the jackelope.

Billll said...

Takes the guesswork out of the cooking, and moves it to the eating.

("What the hell WAS that?")

And protects the endangered Jackalope.

("They CAN'T be endangered. Everyone here has one on their plate.")