Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gun Goodness

Sebastian has a post up featuring a quote from a UCLA professor who was quoting one of us:

As one of them put it the other day, “If you can tow it behind your pickup it ought to be legal.”
For some reason the prof failed to see the crystal clear logic behind this statement. If I ever run for office, and some press person asks my position on guns, this is it.
Heck, if your weapons are self-propelled, they should be exempt from the "tow-ability by a pickup" requirement.


Anonymous said...

I can carry a nuclear warhead in my truck.

Allah be praised.

Billll said...

Remember rule 4: Be sure of your target and everything for several miles in all directions.

Anonymous said...

Everything for several miles in all directions is my target.

Billll said...

Inshallah, you will soon be blessed with ownership of the largest man-made cave in Pakistan, along with a large harem.

Anonymous said...

As long as you agree that I should legally be allowed to possess a nuclear warhead -- your "towable" criteria -- or even a nuclear armed missile -- your "self propelled" criteria -- then I can live with a new cave and large harem for eternity. The trade off is well worth it.

Praise Allah. Those of us in the RBKNA * movement thank you.

* Right to Keep and Bear Nuclear Arms

Anonymous said...

Oops. Should be RKBNA, not RBKNA.

PS - Death to America!