Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Scotland The Brave

Brave Scots rush in where Angels fear to tread, as they say in the old country. The English have a slightly different version of this which you've all heard, so I won't repeat it. Last I heard, the secession was going to be a squeaker with no one willing to bet much on the outcome. Let's assume for a moment, that it passes.

First off I'm told England will swing to the Conservatives since Scotland  is mostly Labor. Absent the Scots, the party that mismanaged England to the point of dissolution will be tossed out. Of course that leaves Scotland to be managed by the very people that made being part of England so intolerable.

The bankers are predicting disaster for no good reason. Or maybe there is a good reason. As an independent country, Scotland will no longer be tied to the pound which the common government can print to make up budget shortages as they go along. Scotlands choices are:
 1. Do nothing and continue to use the British pound. They just get no say in how many get printed which might force some fiscal responsibility on them. Along the same lines, they could also adopt some other currency; the Euro or even the U.S. dollar, but why change all the price tags?
Choice 2: Print your own currency. Suggestions include the Numpty and the Poond. Advantage: You can print as many as you like. Disadvantage: See advantage.

A newly conservative England could start an economic turnaround if the new majority acts quickly. Lowering taxes, eliminating a lot of nanny agencies, deporting a lot of undesirables, etc, etc. It would also greatly strengthen the anti-EU parties to the point that England could post a real threat to leave the E.U.

If the parties over there operate like the parties over here, the Laborites in Scotland derive a good bit of their popularity from being able to rob British Peter to buy the votes of Scottish Paul. Absent Peter, this will be much more difficult. Of course the newly independent Scotland could immediately join the E.U. and become a member of the PIIGS Portugal, Italy  Ireland, Greece and Spain. Germany who has been making the bailout loans may not be amused.

Should make for some good entertainment at least.

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