Monday, June 10, 2013

Google Bans Facial I.D.

Just when I thought getting some Google glasses might be worth the price, they go and do this. I suspect that facial recognition will be available sooner or later in any case so instead of meeting new people and hearing new jokes on a daily basis, it will be just the jokes.

Suggestion: How about a "Stop me if you've heard this" app.

Couple this with an item recognition app and hardly anything would get misplaced any more. The "Why did I come here" app might be a bit harder as you have to remember to tell the glasses why you were going to the donut shop in the first place. Having the glasses tell you "To get a haircut" might be a bit disconcerting, but would serve to get you back on course to the barber shop.

There's a great short story here. Maybe someone will write it. Title:"A Day In The Life".

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