Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Common Sense Gun Laws

The Bradys have a new hobby-horse to ride; "assault clips", these being detachable magazines for your boomstick that hold more than 10 rounds. By way of clarifying their position:
They want you to know that 10 of the holes in this target are acceptable, while 11 are not. You get to pick.

Also, either that's a very small target, or someone's using a very big gun. Maybe this one. Whatever, it's clear that the shooter needs more range time.

And looky here, I'm giving their campaign free coverage.

1 comment:

jed said...

I don't even know what an assault clip is, unless it's a short video of one of the Brady or VPC fearmongers flapping their lips. I suppose, if I were to brandish a 5.56 stripper clip in a menacing fashion, that would technically be an assault with with a clip. Well, it'd be more fearsome than a banana, I suppose.

Of course, no thought given to the fact that the The greatest battle implement ever devised is fed from an 8-round clip.