Friday, September 25, 2015


Some high-school doof in Colorado Springs has been arrested for calling in bomb threats to some high schools in Nevada and California. Seems he has a bit to learn about securely hiding his home phone number when doing this. The local media is calling this a "swatting incident" apparently having a bit to learn about the difference between filing a false report, which is what was done, and SWATting.

SWATting involves filing a false report on a specific person in such a way as to leave the authorities thinking that this person is a clear and present danger to the lives of anyone near them including the responding police. When the call is sufficiently embellished, this can lead to a response in force by a bunch of understandably nervous men with guns. The response alone is a clear and present danger to the lives of anyone near them including bystanders and has resulted in the shooting death of an innocent shopper at a Wal Mart.

Election season is upon us and it certainly wouldn't hurt to suggest to the wannabe martinets that elevating SWATting to a serious felony would be met with general approval and could be presented as not only pro-gun but also pro gun safety to the antis.

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