Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Only Thing Standing In The Way Of Good Government...

Is the governed.

Ever since the Nixon administration, My liberal moonbat friends have warned me that every sitting Republican president was surely about to declare a state of emergency and suspend the upcoming elections. I use to wonder if it was the pot or something else that gave them such ideas.

Now I know better. It's projection, the practice of assuming that everybody else is just like you are and is about to do what you would do if you were in their position.

Obama budget director Peter Orszag says that the only thing standing between Washington and good government is constituents. Rule by executive fiat is called for.

N.C. Governor Bev Perdue says that partisan bickering is such an impediment to straightening out the budget mess that suspending the 2012 elections to free the congress from the unreasonable demands of the proletariat is a valid approach to solving the crisis.

In Ms Perdue's case, may I help her with what seems to be a minor misunderstanding: It's not the elections the peasants want suspended, it's the congress.


Anonymous said...

Me thinks thou doth project.

My conservative moonbat friends have warned me that every sitting Democrat president was surely about to declare a state of emergency and suspend the upcoming elections. I use to wonder if it was the cocaine or something else that gave them such ideas.

Now I know better. It's projection, the practice of assuming that everybody else is just like you are and is about to do what you would do if you were in their position.

Anonymous said...

Capitalism is great in theory. It's just that people aren't good enough for it.

Billll said...

Funny, but I can't seem to recall the name of a single Republican holding a high political office or position who ever publicly advocated suspending the elections.

The proletariat, being largely a pack of morons, are a different story.

Excepting thee and me, of course.