Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Degrees of Separation

As the investigation into what appears to be an impressively massive vote fraud in Houston, names are beginning to percolate to the surface.

Now they say that "If the margin is big enough, they can't cheat." This is wishful thinking. The left will cheat regardless, and if they get lucky, they win. The damage is long lasting. In Houston, you remember, the investigation had barely started when a fire destroyed all the voting machines stored in a warehouse there. Can you say "Reichstag Fire"? I know that phrase is running through my mind.

Maria Isabel is a recruiter at, which is now called "Organizing For America" She is also a prime mover with Houston Votes, which has been implicated in the biggest part of the fraud effort.

So how many degrees of separation are there between the president and an operating vote fraud organization? Possibly only one.

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