Thursday, July 1, 2021

Local Control - Colorado

 Jon Caldera has a nice piece up at Complete Colorado describing in great detail what the notion of "local control" means to Democrats. Bottom line, the state can make living here as onerous as they want, and localities are permitted to make it worse. But only worse.

For myself, I've been ready to decamp to a freer location for the last 10 years as I see Colorado becoming East California, and no real chance of it ever being reversed. After all, our Secretary of State has assured us that we have the cleanest election process in the country, and it's so free of taint that she has issued a ruling that it shall be illegal to investigate any aspect of it.

The reason I'm still here is my spouse, who sees proximity to her sister and daughter as being worth any inconvenience the state wants to impose. She reminds me of a prisoner in the State pen who has served his sentence, but doesn't want to leave because all his friends are there.

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