The Tea Party has asked me what I think the congress should do in its first session post-Obama. I am not qualified to be President, but then again, neither is the guy warming the big chair in Washington right now so here's what I'd look for:
1. Social Security reform/Phaseout. See Chilean model. This amounts to changing the SS account to a universal self-managed 401k which everyone would be required to contribute to just like Social Security. This can be phased in so I don't get accused of tossing Grandma out into the street by making it completely replace SS for the under 30 age group. allowing the 30-50 age group to keep what they have but add the 401 account, and leaving the 50+ group alone.
2. Repeal of Obamacare and NO "replacement". When you have a cancer removed you don't ask the doctor what he's going to replace it with.
3. A secure borders act which would fund better southern border security (fence) and penalize hiring illegal aliens. If it wasn't lucrative to hire them, they wouldn't be getting U.S. citizens jobs. Also no drivers licenses or SS cards for illegals. No papers, no bennies, period. Perhaps the discussion we should be having should revolve around why there seems to be no opportunity in their home country.
4. Reduce the Education department to a standards committee only and let the state and local education bureaucracies figure out how to meet the standards. Standards must get Congressional approval before being released. This job could be handled by a committee of no more than 50 people.
5. Limit the EPA to environmental issues. Flogging the Global Warming hoax is NOT one of them so forbid them from regulating CO2 as it is NOT a pollutant. Limiting liability of nuclear power plants to the point that some actually get built would help as well.
6. Repeal the GCA 68 in its entirety.
7. Minimum Voter ID standards. This would probably have to be a suggestion as voting standards are set by the individual states.
8. Some sort of economic development act. This would probably involve mostly repealing the last few major regulations. Capitalism makes more people richer faster than anything else that's ever been tried. Prosperity happens when the government takes its foot off the neck of the body politic.
Not much, but it's a start.