51-90 points: You are a medium-core libertarian, probably self-consciously so. Your friends probably encourage you to quit talking about your views so much.Which is probably a fair assessment. I have a fairly low opinion of government in general, as my friends and readers may have noted, but I'm convinced that the Libertarians are the party of reducto ad absurdum for their ability to take perfectly good ideas, and carry them to their last logical extreme, then run them over the cliff from a Roadrunner movie.
Political parties tend to be run by the extremists, and the Libertarians organizational abilities are second to nobodies. This pretty much assures that the sympathetic will be deterred from joining. The Tea Party, by contrast, has no leadership, merely a generalized animosity toward big government, very much like the Libertarians, but without the high-ranking whack jobs. Fastest growing group in the country right now.