Sunday, July 12, 2009


Slappy McGillicutty (?) has a webcomic that updates once a week, on Fridays, called Gods Playing Poker. At the risk of being called a nitpicker, the comic features one God, 4 prophets, and one Great Old One. That would be Cthulu, Jesus, Budda, Mohamed, Moses, and the Aztec fellow, Tequila-gotcha, whose name I can't corectly remember or spell.

The June 3 panel is an explanation of the state of health care in the US from Moses to Cthulu.

Well, I thought it was funny.


jed said...

Normally, I'd make some remark about brevity being the soul of wit.

Instead, I'll just mention Jesus and Mo.

jed said...

Err, Jesus and Mo.

/me previews this time.