Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gasoline and Vacuum Cleaners

Some Dude in Sheboygan set fire to his garage, and himself trying to remove gas from his boat with a vacuum cleaner.

A fellow at a company I used to work at did that in Iowa. Following, some other people in Iowa actually held an event commemorating the act. Outdoors, of course, and at the end of a long extension cord.

It seems the torpedo-shaped vacs will belch fire out the exhaust until the innards slag themselves, but the shop-vac types pop their tops with a satisfying boom, and if you put them out, the trick can be repeated several times.

Keep in mind this 4th of July, that the key phrase here is OUTDOORS with a LONG extension cord.


ZZMike said...

I see a huge lawsuit here. I'm certain the shop-vac people did not put a warning label reading "Do not attempt to siphon gasoline from your boat with this vacuum cleaner".

Billll said...

What prevents a lawsuit is when people start laughing before you even get to the punch line. This suggests that it's going to be hard to find a sympathetic jury.

Tintin said...

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