Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Squirrel Gun

I am become Shiva, destroyer of squirrels.

OK that's probably a bit melodramatic, but you've got to get your victories where you can.
Monday as I'm playing with the dog, I notice that my incipient bumper crop of peaches has been reduced to rather pedestrian pickins. The Squirrels sit in my peach tree and eat the small, hard, green peaches down to the pits, and drop the pits on the lawn in a pile.
I set up the pipe-and-bucket trap last night, and this afternoon I have not one but TWO of the peach-eating little varmints in the bucket. Bag and tag and trash day is Friday morning. I'm impressed with how fast this works.
Wifey-poo says she'll never be able to use that bucket again.
Large, delicious peaches later this year.


NotClauswitz said...

Buckets are cheap!

Billll said...

Got 2 more today. This thing is truly impressive.

I suspect that if it's less than a monument to some Pratchett character like "Death of Squirrels" it won't be able to keep up. I have remarked before that thinning the squirrels is like digging a foxhole in a lake.