Monday, June 16, 2008

Politics as usual

As I mentioned here earlier, the Irish, bless their collective souls, recently saved all Europe by voting down a backdoor attempt at a constitution, whose merits are subject to a good deal of debate.

A Romanian MEP (Euro-parliamentarian) was miffed at being unable to ascend to his rightful, lofty position.
I found this in The Devils Kitchen:

Referenda and Democracy

The EU has now accumulated significant (bad) experiences with referenda.
It was very delicately yet effectively communicated by the Romanian social-democrat MEPs:

“The referendum in Ireland has demonstrated that direct democracy (by way of referendum) cannot ensure the progress of the European process.
The security, liberty and prosperity of hundreds of millions of European citizens ask for complex leadership actions, which cannot be appreciated by heterogeneous populations, from the point of view of the information level and the education one.
European integration is a process that must be conducted politically by the elected representatives of the European citizens.”

Gee, it's good to know that our elected representatives don't have that kind of condescending opinion of us, now do they?

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