Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why We Need The Sequester

When the IRS questions you for tax purposes, say in your 1040, they ask many detailed questions. When you ask for a refund, all they need is a mailing address or a bank account number. Now it wouldn't be unusual to be sending multiple checks to the same address, after all a married couple filing separately with 3 college grad kids living in the basement might create 5 separate returns.

At some point, however, you'd think the alarm bells would start going off. Like nearly 24,000 returns filed from the same address. That's a mighty big extended family. Or how about nearly 8.400 refunds going to the same bank account. That's a mighty big joint account, no?

Total amount sent to questionable recipients on both accounts = $102,810,233. Almost enough to fund a two-week vacation safari diplomatic trip to South Africa for the prez and his entourage.

And to think, these folks will soon be sharing your medical records with the Chinese and North Korean hackers.

Gateway has the story with some interesting graphics.

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