Friday, June 7, 2013


I get a periodic mailing from a leftie outfit called DemandProgress, a 501(c)4. The latest one is in a state of high dudgeon over the discovery that the government, previously thought to be their friend, is in fact spying on them through all the various on-line communications and social media.

They presume that being loyalists, they are exempt from surveillance. Sorry.

If the government feels it cannot trust a large segment of the population, say 1/3, there is no immediate way to reliably figure which individuals belong to the trusted 1/3, the middle 1/3, or the untrustworthy 1/3 without watching ALL of them.

So rest easy, progs. If you're not doing anything disloyal, you have nothing to fear and it's not like the government would ever get you confused with someone else. Stay loyal and don't go changing your minds.

And don't worry about people like me reading your newsletters either.

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