Monday, September 20, 2010

Recession Ends...

Women and minorities hardest hit.

To help myself to a running joke over at the WSJ. A couple of economists have produced proof, of the sort that only an economist could appreciate, that the recession ended back in June of 2009. So I guess all you folks who have been out of work since then have been laboring (or not laboring) under a misconception.

Somehow I am reminded of a memo someone sent out once noting that the world had ended some 400 years ago, but the paperwork was still in process.

Of course there is no silver lining that does not come with a commensurate dark cloud. As commenter bandmom notes:
Actually, if the recession was over a year plus ago, then the bad stuff that's happened since then has got to be Obama's fault. Bush must be heaving a great sigh of relief. Unfortunately the teleprompter hasn't gotten the word yet.

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