Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bumper Stickers

I have a bumper sticker that reads

Limit Terms:
Declare politicians
a game species.

People come whining to me with "Geeez, Billll, you shouldn't advocate wholesale slaughter of our beloved elected representatives."

To which I answer:
Look, hippie, the phrase "game species" implies the need for a special hunting license, a specific season, and bag and possession limits, say one federal Senator or Representative, and no more than two of the local variety. One might buy a bull tag, for example that requires the hunter to listen carefully for the same old bull before shooting. And a word of warning, we are talking dangerous game here. The Republicans shoot back.

Lawyers, on the other hand, should be declared varmints. See 'em, shoot 'em. It's not like they're in any danger of extinction due to natural causes.


NotClauswitz said...

Since I'm not a hunter I thought "game species" could mean they taste gamey. ;-)

Billll said...

Normally the rule for hunters is "You kill it, you cook it, you eat it.", but in this case I'd be willing to make an exception.

Taxidermy, however, begins to look attractive.

Nylarthotep said...

I wonder if Massachusetts will give me an out-of-state license for this.

Billll said...

1. The Mass. legislature can certainly be bought.
2. It won't be cheap.
3. They have some bitchin trophy bulls there, so I guess you'll get what you pay for.