Sunday, April 3, 2011

The U.N. Does A Survey

Then cooks the books, lies about it, and demands that everyone make things worse.

Regarding small arms ownership, the survey clearly shows that more guns = more personal freedom, more economic freedom, and less government corruption. To steal a quote from the U.N. report:
The unchecked spread of [small arms] has…contributed to human rights violations, undermined political and economic development…
when exactly the opposite is true. It also depends on what, exactly you call "gun crime". Under Mao, China had a policy of strictly forbidding the peasants from owning guns. In this time, the government killed enough people to give an average murder rate of 317/100K. For comparison the rate in Chicago or D.C tops out at something in the 60's. Official killings, however, don't count.

Dictators, unlike the peasants, have a right to self-defense.

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