Sunday, April 24, 2011

People Ask Me Questions

Sometimes they expect an intelligent answer, although at my age this is becoming increasingly optional.

Q: "Why would you put butter on a cat's feet?"

A: "To insure it landed right side up when dropped, of course."

Yes, I actually got asked this.


Brad K. said...

This seems to be a mixed metaphor.

You don't put butter on a cat's feet, you put vaseline on them. It helps lubricate and clear hairballs. Or you can buy vaseline in expensive tubes labeled "hairball remedy". But butter would help with many cats, I expect.

As for the toast dropping and the buttered side landing up (meaning simpler floor cleanup), that would be a matter of luck. Which cats seem to have, in which case, why worry about buttering the feet of the cat you are about to drop for literary interest?

Just throw the toast out as if it had been dropped, dose the cat for hairballs, and maybe calculate how far a potato could be thrown using a 10 foot section of 3" pvc, a light cardboard patch, and 1/2 ounce of cigarette lighter fluid. Or some such.

But it does make an okay story.


Anonymous said...

If you tie a piece of toast, butter side up, to a cat's back, and drop the cat, you get a perpetual motion machine.

Billll said...

Stick the shaft of a generator up the cat's ass, and voila, you're off the grid.

Replace the generator with an automatic transmission, and voila, you're off to work.

Should your cat expire, I'm told there are several tasty Asian recipes for them.

Cats: The alternative, renewable, affordable energy source of the future.

The Dog