Sunday, August 23, 2009

Statics, Polls, and Art

And while I'm at it, I should probably include lies, and damn lies too. Polling data can, of course, be jiggered to produce whatever result the customer is asking for, especially if the result is to be published as gospel for the customers benefit. The results on this one have a certain air of truth to them though:
This sort of thing could well be the inspiration for this:

Which is nicely animated on the original site. What it really needs, though, is the red lines running down to form a puddle of blood, as the administration hemorrhages approval.

The media like to think they can influence a persons approval ratings as much as 15% either direction, and Lord knows which way they've been pushing their boss. Of course the collective management are, at bottom, a bunch of capitalists with an interest in keeping their jobs, and there's a limit to how far down they're willing to go on this ship.

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