Saturday, August 2, 2014

Propellentless Thruster

This staple of science fiction has reportedly been successfully tested in a lab in China and works although the boffins associated with the test are at a loss as to why. I can think of at least one good reason why they see thrust without propellent but I'll wait until someone with more alphabet after his name either suggests it or proves me wrong.

In the meantime this will be a contest open to all as to why the thing works or only appears to work.


Kevin said...

Stark Industries thruster?

I SERIOUSLY hope this works and isn't another case of Cold Fusion.

Billll said...

Let's see, at 72g/1200W that's 1,833E-6 lbf/W which suggests it would take some 92.72MW to lift me (170lb) off the ground assuming I wore no heavy spandex costume. Seems like a lot of AA batteries though.