Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The National Budget

Bayou Man is noticing that the dreaded budget hawks we sent to Washington in the last election don't seem to be acquitting themselves so well. Part of this is because they don't control enough of the government to make much stick, but the other part is that even if they get everything they ask for, it still doesn't amount to much. This kind of timidity may get you re-elected in normal years, but it's a recipe for political suicide today.

If that moderate republican you've been electing since the Kennedy administration doesn't seem to be making much progress, what do you do? Vote for a well-coiffed Democrat who promises to take care of the overspending?

Telling yourself that you're voting the individual and not the party is self delusion. Once a person is elected, they are part of the party, and tend to vote in lockstep with the leadership, no matter what a pack of moonbats they might be.
A "highly principled blue dog democrat" differs from a doctrinaire Marxist only in the size of the bribe (they call it pork) he demands before throwing his support behind whatever the leadership is trying to pass.
A moderate republican does the same thing only he doesn't care so much which party is buying his vote.

The time is fast approaching when the Republicans will have to either deliver the goods, go down trying, or go the way of the Whigs.

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