Monday, December 29, 2008

End Of The Year

I have it on excellent authority* that the world will end on Dec 31, at 12 midnight, so kiss your sweetie early, then drop your pants, and kiss your ass goodbye.

Before that happens, however, I'd like to recommend to you a summary of the years high and low lights by Dave Barry, who can see the humorous side of most things.

Remember Earth Day? Those who didn't celebrate it, didn't notice it, and those who did, smoked so much weed that they forgot what year it was:

In environmental news, Earth Hour is observed on March 29, when cities around the world display their commitment to conserving energy by turning out their lights for one hour. When the lights come back on, Detroit is missing.
If you know what happened to Detroit, please keep quiet. Without it, unemployment and crime both go down 2 points.

*I was talking to myself. We took a vote, and that was the outcome. See? Democracy in action.


Brad K. said...

Earth Hour doesn't make much sense. Just think of all the oil lamps, candles, and cigarette lighters that will be buring fossil fuels, paraffin, or beeswax - all transported by truck, and all emitting CO2, etc. A better Earth Hour would be to plant roof-top gardens. At least, then "green" might mean something more meaningful that paving a forest to drive more electric cars, built using coal-fired power plants and diesel mining equipment and trucks.

Are you really sure the world ends New Years Eve? I mean, the Russians are predicting the US will collapse in 2010. Which will be a relief to the Peak Oil people that expect the end of life as we know it by 2012. Oh, there is so much uncertainty! The stress!

Let me check back with you sometime next week. OK?

Billll said...

Above link says that Yellowstone caldera is rattling again. Eruption in 3...2...1...