Saturday, December 21, 2013

Transportation - Some Things Never Change

I have been thinking of replacing the pickup with something a bit sportier for some time now, and was torn between an older Jag XK-8 and waiting for the 2014 release of the Elio. It now seems the Elio release has been pushed out to 2015 and a Jag came up on Craigs List, so here's my new ride:
Very spiff. A gazillion buttons and it didn't come with the correct manual to explain them. Jag supplies a quick cheat sheet for the most commonly used items including the A/C but it doesn't include the heater ops. Being 14 years old, it has its share of quirks. The windows go down about an inch whenever the door handles are pulled, inside or out. Makes the door easier to close, but they don't go back up again by themselves.

Brit cars used to have a lot of trouble with their electrics but Ford fired Lucas and this one was built under Ford management. The drive train doesn't leak oil either which is welcome. It does have a small oil leak however; The dome light.

Yeah I know, why is the dome light leaking oil? Well, it's a Brit thing, unless you're a fan you wouldn't understand. The joke goes that in England, a big mug of beer leaks a small amount of oil onto the bar top.

Gets good mileage though, about 22 around town and 27 on the road. Very quiet, very smooth.


jed said...


I'll have to come by and take a look.

Anonymous said...

"Brit cars used to have a lot of trouble with their electrics... The drive train doesn't leak oil either which is welcome. It does have a small oil leak however; The dome light.Yeah I know, why is the dome light leaking oil? Well, it's a Brit thing"

Watch the first 1 minute & 10 seconds:

The IT Crowd - Series 1 - Episode 2: Fire!
Moss deals with the fire emergency in the only way he knows how - by sending an email.

Billll said...

I have a t-shirt that reads "If Lucas made guns, wars wouldn't start".

Cincinnatus said...

I'm jealous.