Compare this to the current going rate of between $.083 and $.10.7/KWh depending on whom you ask.

The thing weighs as much as a big-block V8 and that's before you add in the lateral loads from the wind blowing against it. Having an engineer do a load calculation for your roof first is recommended. Check an available wind map to see if you can expect the kind of winds needed to run the thing, and then step outdoors and look around your house. If you live on a barren hill crest in southern Wyoming, the rig may well provide all the power you'll ever need but if you live in an urban neighborhood with mature trees, you might as well forget it.
It has no real problems that can't be largely fixed with a generous infusion of Federal money equal to the purchase price of the windmill and the replacement cost of your roof and as long as the Feds can print all they need, this shouldn't be a problem.
Consumer Reports reviews the device here and seems rather cool to it.
I don't know that that compares favorably with a bunch of savonius turbines made from old 55 gal. drums, driving alternators from a junk yard.
Hmmph. Google's captcha has gotten more difficult. Sigh.
Its definitely an example of why so much "alternative" energy programs are horse manure.
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