Monday, June 7, 2010


I've got tinnitus. I've got a really good case of it too. the high-pitched squeal that goes on loudly 24/7. Can't imagine where it might have come from, although the guns, fireworks (homemade and commercial), rock music, motorcycles, hotrods, and whatnot may have contributed.

Anyway I hear on the radio a commercial for pills to fix this, and look up the advertised product on the net, only to find a near universal scorn for the product. About that same time, the wife brings home a bottle of pills that claim to be able to fix the problem, and I look at the ingredient list. These things look like they were made from store-wide floor sweepings from Vitamin Cottage.

I'm sure there's stuff in there that's good for me somehow, but when the ingredient list gets to be that long, it's a pretty good bet the manufacturer is groping in the dark, hoping to get lucky. I'll take these even though I have little faith in their efficacy. It's the thought that counts, and who knows, I might get lucky.

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