Friday, June 4, 2010

Musical Interlude

Not much going on right at the moment, and frankly I'm exhausted just thinking about the weekend. I love classical music. It's uplifting, inspiring, and the sort of thing you'd put on your Ipod to play while strolling through the Casbah, machine-gunning everything, whether it moves or not.

Minor items of minor interest to note while listening:
The Norks seem to have invented an organic drink that makes you younger and smarter. Speculation is that it's beer.

Point a camera at a cop, and if you survive the experience, you may get up to 14 years in jail. Geez, you'd think they had something to hide, or something.

We all know the MSM is in something of a decline, having given up reporting the news in favor of repeating press releases without checking any of them. The administration proposes: “Potential Policy Recommendations to Support the Reinvention of Journalism,”.
They already seem to own it, I suppose they can do whatever they want, and pay for it by taxing your Ipad.

Hope you find the music soothing. Grouchy Old Cripple had this, and more.

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