Sunday, December 14, 2014

Torture Hearings

The Senate torture hearings accomplished pretty much everything they were intended to accomplish, namely to give the media something to write about besides the Gruber testimony on the gestation of Obamacare.

OTOH, it also appears that given the graphic videos produced by the murdering, raping, head-chopping slave traders of the Religion Of Peace, most Americans seem to be just fine with the idea of pouring some water up the noses of those captured in order to cripple the production values of the next video.


Anonymous said...

"most Americans seem to be just fine with the idea of pouring some water up the noses of those captured"

As a conservative, you know that government will never abuse that power...

...even after you and your right-wing cohorts and fellow gun-owners are labelled terrorists by the government.

Billll said...

The right is content to let the lefties scream from the rooftops how oppressed they are and won't arrest anyone until half the city is in flames for fear of being labeled racist or something.

What sort of government would label people who exercise a specifically enumerated right as terrorists? The same sort that rightly fear they will suffer the same fate as Mussolini or Ceausescu I suspect.