Thursday, April 18, 2013

Attitudes On Guns

Found this graphic on Gun Watch, referenced to a piece at Cato Institute regarding peoples evolving attitudes on guns:
Over the years people are noticing that the police cannot be everywhere and protect everyone. Your first line of defense is you.

I suspect this also influenced the mails sent to congressmen this week. Good.

1 comment:

Brad K. said...

I could wish the question had not been "does a gun . .", but "Does knowing how, and when, to use a weapon . ."

Because just acquiring a gun, without becoming an informed and skilled owner, doesn't necessarily increase safety for anyone. Without the willingness to use a weapon at need, and training in it's use, a gun is no better than a broom handle. The broom handle isn't useless, at close hand, and a gun isn't useful if not used.