Monday, November 5, 2012

The Future Of Medicine - Female Viagra

A drug described as "female Viagra" is entering clinical tests in Austrailia and Canada.
The drug called Tefina is a testosterone gel that is absorbed into the body through the nose, and is claimed to boost female sexual arousal and satisfaction.
It is said to be effective some 30% of the time. I imagine it will work better when used in conjunction with candles and reservations.


Brad K. said...

Either candles and reservations, or the old time approach.

Respect, honor, compassion, intimacy. Oh, and I sobriety may turn out to be a longer term solution.

Ah, well. I was just thinking, what if she actually wanted to be there, with you, and felt close, comfortable, secure, and cherished.

The way the Obama administration seems already involved in covering up anticipated voter fraud tomorrow (sending federal agents to monitor states actually checking that voters are registered, are residents, and even citizens of the US), the drug based route may not benefit anyone not dating The Donald.

AnEeS MaLiK said...
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