Under the Cash For Codgers program, if someone came in seeking health care services that were judged “excessive” by a locally appointed appraisal board, then their nearest relative will be granted power of attorney to make the decision, and will be offered $3500 to $4500 for such organs as are usable, and the patient would then be humanely parted out. Unusable portions will be disposed of in an ecologically approved manner, with preferences given to demands of the agriculture industry.
Proposed amendments to this amendment include a request by Sen. Stabenow of Michigan for a 35% tariff on imported Chinese organs from the prison systems there, and a request by Nebraska’s Sen. Ben Nelson to give preference to Cargill Pork feedlot operations in Omaha for the leftovers.
Billll, this is a marvelous strategy! It will be so very easy to extend this end-time detection to include smokers, and obese people (anyone that weighs more than Rahm Emanuel), drug users, drunk drivers and other criminals, and the handicapped, and even conservative voters!
Government programs are like living organisms in that they either grow at 6% (or more) a year, or else they're dying. No program manager worthy of his large staff, chauffeured limo, and fancy office would want to take over a program without prospects for rapid expansion into a cabinet-lever position, or at least the title of Czar.
Codger Czar. Might need work.
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