Saturday, February 28, 2015

Resistance Is Futile!

Here's what happens when the congress attempts to take back the power is so spinelessly abdicated to the ATF, the FCC, the EPA, etc: Twenty-one House Republicans sent a letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler vowing to push a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act—which only needs a simple majority in both houses—to nullify the agency's actions and prevent any future reliance on Title II of the Communications Act. The president can still veto such a resolution. 
The above link applies to the Net neutrality ruling, but the  circumstance applies to the ATF declaration that M855 ammo is armor piercing or the EPA decision that it's entitled to regulate CO2, or the IRS decision to regulate political dissent.
Once you let your freedom go, it will NOT be willingly given back.

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