Saturday, July 25, 2009

Kids contest

OK it's open to the inner children too. Here's the world pea shooting contest at Witcham, England. Most folka just use a plastic tube to shoot the peas, but some of them unleash their inner Mad Scientist, and produce the sort of Tacti-cool implements you normally only see at the gun range:

Competition is fierce at the World Pea Shooting Championships on Witcham's village green, where contestants shoot a pea through a tube, 12 feet towards a 12-inch target. Laser-guided shooters are not unknown, taking the sport into the 21st century.
It's enough to make you think there might be some unregistered firearms still lurking around in Merrie Olde England, and the bits and pieces are now finding their way back into the public view. Makes you wonder if the fellow shown above wasn't afterword paid a precautionary visit by the police. Next year, I suppose they'll ban pea shooters over there.

Not that I would ever do such a thing, but say, if you used soft peas, you could put rifling into your straw.....

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