Monday, May 4, 2009

Vote Fraud

Right Wing News has a post up talking about fraud in recent North Carolina elections. NC is not one of the places you might think of when vote fraud gets mentioned, but then neither is Washington state, where the governor was put into office through a well-organized vote fraud effort.

First of all, a consultant told the audience that some of his opponents would bus into a polling location, hand them a sheet with a name and address on it, have them vote, then take them to location after location where they do the same thing. So, if you're wondering what harm those phony voter registration groups like ACORN collect -- well, now you know.

Another person, who had volunteered to be a poll watcher, told everyone a story about how he saw someone walk into a polling station, go up to the registrar and ask to vote. She asked for his name and address and he said, "Come on, I thought you were going to hook me up!" The poll watcher then stepped in and told the guy to get lost.

A third person, who was just a regular voter, told us this story about the person ahead of him in line to vote. He said the person walked up, told the registrar the street he lived on, and said my name's "Smith." The registrar said, "There's no Smith on that street." He then said, "How about Jones?" Again, the registrar said, "No, there's no Jones on that street." Next, he said, "How about Washington?" -- Long story short, the guy went through five different last names and on the 5th one, the registrar said, "Yes, I found you, sir, you can go vote."

Now, could all of these people be making these stories up? Sure, it's possible, but it doesn't seem very likely.

The article goes on to suggest that proper ID be required when voting, and I think the author isn't being emphatic enough. We should be demanding, in loud and unambiguous terms that such safeguards be put into place.
Expect to be ignored a lot. If honesty is put into place, the Democratic party would face extinction. It wouldn't do the Republicans much good either, but them's the breaks.

If the Tea Party ever adopts a logo, maybe it should include a crossed pitchfork and torch.

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